CHAYNE CHAYNE Chayne lives in Kilima Village in Palia and is a Majiri. He is the local apothecary’s manager and a priest of The Dragon.Check Weekly Wants RELATIONSHIPSHassian : Shepp ToSifuu : Shepp To ROMANCE & SHEPPChayne is not Romanceable.Yes, Chayne can be a shepp. Chayne's Choice for Gifts 102550100 entries per pageSearch: StanceItemTypePoints LoveThe Founder's BootFriendship40 LoveCream of Tomato SoupFriendship40 LoveDragon's Beard PeatFriendship40 LovePalian Onion SoupFriendship40 LoveCream of Mushroom SoupFriendship40 LovePearlFriendship40 LoveGreen PearlFriendship40 LoveHeat RootFriendship40 LoveDari ClovesFriendship40 LoveAppleFriendship40 Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries‹123456›